Saturday 22 June 2019

Published 12:32 by with 0 comment

Putting Public Service Before Politics

By Donald Davis

Politics is a staple in every place and setting. However, it has very different delineations in each. Nonetheless, it can all be boiled down to a common purpose. All are engaged in keeping peace and order, and that is achieved through giving and granting what their constituents need, in the purest sense of the term. For always, it should be public service before politics.

First off, it would do to have some nifty bit of stage setting. As can perhaps be evident right off the bat, PS is provided by a states government to the people of a particular jurisdiction. Theres a lot of nitty gritty involved here. For example, service may be provided though some financial provision or else through and by the public sector.

When you think about it, public service can really be boiled down to the simple and yet convoluted issue of human rights. One aims to forward the interests and wellbeing of the general populace, at compromise to his or her own. Therefore, this is equated to selfless service. A lot of things need refining and reforming, and in most cases, it can be boiled down to a change or enlightenment of the leadership.

When you aim to help others, its done with a specific end goal in mind. You aim to keep in mind some specific needs and wants. Prioritization is the operative word. This is where things can get complicated. After all, priorities are different to each his own. Perhaps the trick is to pay attention to the issues that are urgent and pressing, which are impending to do some great or momentous damage unless placed a stopper on.

Generally, theres also the area of social services. This is an across the board term, really, relating to givens like the foster care system and rehabilitation centers, and so and so. Public telecommunications is yet another concern, and thats why some governments are in charge of the monopolies that cater to this particular operation. This arrangement does have its pros and cons.

Among the credos of public service is that its constantly available to all. And that means it in the strongest sense of the phrase. Regardless of physical ability, level of income, mental competency, and just about any drawback and hindrance you can think of. Anyone can imagine why a trusty figurehead with a respectable platform should be put atop this.

Furthermore, you have emergency services. Youve heard of the quintessential 911. Generally, this brings to mind able bodied and sound of mind paramedics that know how to bring about a turnaround in hopeless situations. This is a very nifty service, indeed. One would be hard put to find any kind of service thats slated to respond 24 7, since incidents are bound to choose no time and place.

Really, though, these institutions are like a grocery or pharmacy in which one can find at most anything to soothe whatever worries or problems are at hand. It can get pretty awry when the nub of the whole matter is on politics. In most cases, delving into this enterprise is like working from atop the ivory tower. Thats why its important to get into the heads of your constituents, so that you always act to the best of your ability, catering to their most urgent need.

The thing is, societal problems are things that must be viewed from a birds eye view. If not, then one risks making decisions and courses of actions seemingly from the ivory tower. This should naturally not be the case. Rather, one must see to it that theyre unquestionably catering to the general wellbeing and interest of the populace. As per the aphorism, selfless service must take preponderance over the self enterprising world of politics.

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