Friday 28 June 2019

Published 08:34 by with 0 comment

How To Make A Fire Using Flint And Steel

By Kevin Davis

Fire is one of the most important elements around the world. Almost everything moves around fire. Making fire before is tricky. Going into camping without lighters is a challenging process when building a fire. By using flint stones, the process of building one is not as easy as it sounds. However, if you have a flint and steel, then there are no reasons why you cannot a start a fire for your trip.

The best thing about using steel and flint stones is that this technique is reliable. If a person has acquired or done practicing, they can create a fire reliably compared to lighting up matches. One single kit is able to produce hundreds of thousands of fires. This reliability outnumbered the maximum capacity of lighters and matches.

Flint stones are hard sedimentary cryptocrystalline. This is a similar form of quartz which is a mineral. It comes in different varieties of colors. The most common color of these stones are dark grays, but it also appears in colors brown, black, white and green. The appearance is somewhat waxy or unique glossy.

Matches and lighters will not light up especially if the area is windy. With flint stones and steel, the wind will not become a problem, but instead, it will even speed up the entire process. Anyone who has tried creating a fire during windy seasons by using a match knows the difficult y of it. On the other hand, this equipment is so reliable that nothing can prevent it from building a fire.

When purchasing a striker, it is important that a person will feel comfortably when using it. These strikers usually come in U or C shapes. It will depend entirely on your own preference on what material or shape to use. The most important thing is that the striker should fit to your hand very comfortably.

The best steel to use for striking the stone should be high carbon. When being oil quenched, it will be hard to resist the pressure except for tiny pieces that ignites. A treated steel will give off a lot of sarks before it gets lost. This will not wear you out during the process. If it becomes hot, it would need to be tempered once again before using it.

Tinder is another component when making fire with this process. Tinder is a combustible material that is relatively easy to light. If the tinder is big, wet or even damp, it would not light. It does not matter how many sparks the equipment will make, it will be useless for creating the fire.

When a glowing ember is found, it can be transferred on the bundle of tinder and then be blown into the flame. This will be placed on structures with sticks, and dry kindling which has been prepared and will receive the burning tinder. Once the build up of flame is high already, then adding some more materials will make a big fire.

Creating a fire is a very challenging way. There are many alternatives that can be done to produce it. Some uses new technologies while others use traditional ways to start one. But it all comes down to a persons preference on what method of technique they want to use for building one.

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