Saturday, 25 August 2018

Published 23:14 by with 0 comment

Choosing AKC Yorkie Parti Puppies

By Michael Ward

The parti Yorkie was officially recognized by the AKC in 2000 having undergone significant evaluation to confirm its pedigree. The beautifully colored Yorkie is considered a rarity but specialized breeders who are registered with the American Kennel Club deliver striking litters in this coat color. For AKC Yorkie parti puppies, only research into the breeder and their dogs will help you find the best pet.

The parti Yorkie is a beautiful, friendly breed that possesses an incredible personality and temperament similar to the black and tan pups. Such canines include the most adoring personalities and include registration with the American Kennel Club. A registered seller who is reputable and experienced will produce the healthiest litters for dedicated families.

A great interest in the parti pup has been generated owing to its pedigreed standard and unusual coloring associated with the breed. A registered breeder requires consultation to determine whether they produce the part coloring and have their pups registered with the AKC. Do not fail to receive recognition for our pets and ensure you can rely on an experienced seller.

A simple means of detecting breeders in the region is to look at AKC directories and to visit the website or social media pages of the seller of interest. The breeder web page includes the information on the pups from date of birth to the parents used in the breeding program. Pups must be healthy and well raised to ensure they find the best homes and without giving their new owners any problems.

A breeder who is registered with the authorized kennel club will produce litters that are healthy and best indicate the breed standard. This includes records of a detailed lineage that provides proof the dogs have maintained a Yorkie breeding standard and you are purchasing a purebred pet. With the necessary measures in place, you can find a seller who is certified and produces litters of the highest quality.

A reliable seller will take every care to maintain the well-being of breeding pairs and the litters produced. The parti puppy must be raised underfoot and prove well-socialized to prevent difficulties when entering the new home environment. A breeder you can trust will answer your questions with a knowledgeable approach and assure a good fit between puppy and owner.

Registered pups are fully health checked and vaccinated by a certified veterinarian before being sold to protect against disease including Parvo. Never accept a puppy that has not received the necessary vaccinations and assessments to ensure the pets sold are healthy and will not spread ailments to any pets currently in your home. Only with research can you ensure the purchase of a healthy, well-bred Yorkie.

The parti Yorkie is a beautiful pet with its white fur and tan and black markings. It is considered rare and exotic but possesses the same breeding standard and characteristics as the more common black and tan line of Yorkies. To find the ideal parti Yorkie, consult with your breeder and learn why these dogs remain the top choice of pet for all families.

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